Km to Mi

Welcome to km to mi, our website dedicated to the kilometers to miles conversion.

Here we basically answer how many miles in a kilometer; the units under consideration are abbreviated as mi and km, respectively.

If you have come here using the international spelling kilometres to miles, then you are right here, too, of course.

From the formula to useful information regarding the units of length to a distance converter, here you can find all about changing km in miles.



How to Convert Km to Miles?

Unless stated differently, our article is about the international mile, as opposed to the nautical mile (nmi) for example.

We divide the distance or length in kilometers by 1.609344.

Therefore, the km to miles formula is:

[mi] = [km] / 1.609344

From the formula follows that a kilometer is approximately 0.62 miles.

A km in miles is exactly 15625/25146 mi.

Using a calculator we get 0.62137119223733396961743418436332 miles.

To change km into miles it is recommended using our app above.

Simply insert the distance or length in the metric system unit; our app does the math for you as you type.

About our Km to Miles Converter

Click here to change miles to kilometers, or press the swap button in our calculator right above.

If you like our tool at the top of this page, then make sure to bookmark us now.

In the next section we show you an alternative way for getting kilometers to miles.

Frequent km in mi conversions can also be found in the sidebar, along with links to similar sites.

Km to Miles Conversion

As you have seen, the conversion is a simple division when you apply our formula.

There are ~ 0.62 mi in a km. To change km to nautical miles visit our page nautical miles to km and read the paragraph below the calculator.

Note that some of the frequent conversions, among many others, on this site include:


The following image sums km to mi up:

This leads over to the end of our article about kilometres to miles.

Please hit the social buttons if you are happy with our content or if you liked our kilometers to miles converter.

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Don’t hesitate filling in the form if something about needs clarification.

Alternatively, you may send us a mail with convert kilometers into miles or something similar in the subject line.

We always try to respond as soon as possible.

For more information on the units related to kilometer to miles check out the referenced articles below.

Thanks for visiting

Further information:

– Article written by Mark, last updated on December 28th, 2023

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